
my home at....

 pics elvs  

oooh... this week I had this lovely surprise...
a little while ago I was approached by sweet Lottilou, 
she works for flair magazine.de and she asked
me if she could make a topic of my house 
with new pictures made by me and a small interview
It was an honour and such fun to join in making this beautiful feature 
thank you so much Lottilou....
since this week you can find it online here 

ps. thank you for all your nice comments during my mini-holiday
I loved to read them and they made me smile!


traveling heart


a month ago the first isssue of a new online magazine 
called Oh Marie! was launched... a magazine where some of the best 
dutch bloggers contributed and it looks amazing!

At this launch these bloggers received a piñata with a small thrifted item 
and were asked to take a picture of it in their homes and send it, when done,  
on a journey wich can be followed on the  Oh Marie! blog... 
I had the honour to be the number two to receive this cute little heart...

Do you want to welcome this little heart in your house and continue its journey? 
Please just leave a comment and I’ll pick owner no. 3...

You can download Oh Marie! magazine here

ps.  I will be off for a little holiday... hope to see you all next week... 




#ladder #concrete
                  passing along it hundred times a week and still loving this simple object in my kitchen.
                           It proves once again that a €4 ladder from the trhiftshop can be a good buy

I know I have said it before... but really sometimes I still can't believe it...
 I know that they make the most beautiful pictures...
but receiving them in my mailbox makes me feel so lucky!

while watching some beautiful interior pictures at Instagram  I was wondering...

what would be their favorite corner at their home...

I asked some of these beautymakers to send a picture simply 

supplemented with some words
this week Desiree of  the always inspiring - by finding beauty in imperfection - 
blog Vosgesparis has send me her 3 favorite #instacorners

       a concrete wall at my #living. Loving the industrial raw feeling it adds to the room.
 It's also an amazing background for tape creativity or chalk drawings

               a corner in my #hallway with black painted clipboards and a selfmade text poster for creativity

  in a very short time I really have become an Instagram addict!
I can watch this eyecandy for hours and hours... just admiring....
or just having sneakpeeks in someones live and home... it's fun!

you can find vosgesparis on instagram here

 ps. are you on instagram? let me know and let's meet :-)


monday inspiration...

love the light... and the beauty of emptiness in this wonderful place...
just perfect in all it's simplicity... just perfect this greyish day...
 some monday inspiration seen in this amazing portfolio
the pictures of Andrea Ferrari...
wish you all a happy new week!
ps. don't forget to join in my giveaway here ... closes tonight at 20.00h!



    pics elvs

 my all time favorite black and white and hektar... my new fav!

 wish you all a fabulous weekend!
 ps. don't forget to take part of my autumn giveaway  
you will have till monday the 22th of october...


simple + pure

pics elvs
after a very busy week... simplicity is  just fine to me...
love these simple and pure details
have a wonderful friday...
 ps.all your nice messages made me smile :-)




maybe like you all know...I can spend hours and hours on Instagram... 
just admiring... or just having sneakpeeks in someones lives and homes... it's such fun! 

while watching her amazing lifestyle and nature instagram's of the Norwegian woods             
           I was wondering...    what would be her favorite corner at her home...
  I asked  Irene of the always inspiring blog Loppelilla,  to send one picture 
                 simply supplemented with some words...  and this is her #instacorner

# This is my favorite corner at the moment:) I love my old carpenter bench, and I like using it in 
different ways:)  As a serving table, or as a working bench...even my husband loves it:) #

                                 you can find Irene Finne on instagram here 

                          ps. are you on instagram? let me know and let's meet :-)


Hi monday!


 picsVTwonenhome@woonbeurs elvs

Starting a whole new week with these pictures of
this amazing wall filled with inspiring and beautiful styled images... 
new energy... new ideas... 

wish you all a happy new week!

thank you for all your nice comments this weekend :-)


sunday snapshots...


enjoying a lazy and cosy day 
it's sober and rainy outside
love these beautiful grey shades
warm and soft 
today some snapshots of autumn in my house...

wish you a wonderful sunday!

ps. don't forget to join in my giveaway...


autumn giveaway - CLOSED -


giveaway = closed
it's time for a giveaway...  let's celebrate autumn! 
short days... dark evenings 
isn't this a perfect moment to have some new lights in our homes? 

House of C is giving a beautiful set of 3 bloomingville lights away 
one large light and two small ones

House of C is a dutch webshop with a selection of home accesories 
with fantastic brands as Bloomingville, Broste Copenhagen, House Doctor, 
Mia Blanche and just new in their collection are these amazing graphic prints 
and accesories of Swedish brand Kitchenbloom. 

Just have a look at the whole collection of House of C here

This is how to join in:
* like House of C on facebook or follow on twitter
* be or become member of elv's blog and leave a message in this post
* share the banner below on your blog and link to the giveawaypost

wish you all a happy weekend!
giveaway = closed

ps. you will have till the 22th of october... Good luck!




 elvs via my instagram

 lóóóvve my frames...they were lost for a while... so glad I have found them  
I just hunged them immediately on my wall
taped this housedoctor lettercard behind one of them 
and my little diy corner was born... cleaning up can be such fun :-)
love simplicity...

Have a happy thursday!

ps. coming soon... a giveaway :-)



beautiful simplicity... these unique handmade origami mobiles from berlin
last week i received a sweet mail from Anne from Kidivist
she creates them and only uses japanese or italien paper and a aluminium rods 
take a look here to see the whole collection

pssst.... don't miss this... cherry blossom is having a kidivist give away...  join in!


portfolio love...

love his pictures... love the styling
gorgeous and wonderful 
when I am out of inspiration
i just visit his portfolio
so amazing...  Mikkel Rahr Mortensen

Have a great tuesday!



# one of my favorites corners is my office, we don't have much space in the house 
so it's a small office, but I try to be comfortable and surrounded by details that I love. 
I spend most of my time there, that's why I decorated it to be a comfy, happy place.#

ooow I admit... Instagram is one of my favorite places to be inspired at this moment.
I love the versatility... I can spend hours and hours... 
 just admiring or just having sneakpeeks in someones live and home... 

I little while ago i have asked some of these beautymakers to send me a picture and 
this week Mariela of the beautiful blog, full of diy projects and decoration ideas,  
one happy mess  has send me her favorite #instacorner 
supplemented with some words.... 

I hope this beautiful workspace will inspire you this mondaymorning...
and I wish you all a happy new week!

you can find one happy mess on instagram here 
are you on instagram? let me know and let's meet :-)




I wish you all a fab weekend... let's make it a happy one...
see you all on monday!


hola barcelona...

a warm ambiance,  natural wood, colours from beige to brown, ethnic influences
that’s how people live in Barcelona according to Esprit home!

for their 2012 home collection they publish five cataloques 
that capture the lifesyle of Paris, New York, Berlin, London and Barcelona.

This time part V... fascinating and charming Barcelona!
the last presentation of the partnership of Esprit home 
and publication house teNeues...  to inspire!

Wish you all a very nice friday... 

ps. thank you so much for your overwhelming reaktions on my latest post... 
it's great to hear from you...  makes me smile :-)