a space filled with stylish and green corners, the latest trends and design wannahaves,
inspiring (informative) workshops by the designers of dutch design brand Puik art
and a lot of fun with a group of fellow interiorbloggers
and a lot of fun with a group of fellow interiorbloggers
This weekend I have admired the just openend pop-up gift store
of dutch online warehouse fonQ in Amsterdam on their annual blog event
and it was very inspiring and so great to be part of it!
Just loved the idea and the possibility of shopping some presents at their online store that has become a temporarily visual shop where you can be inspired and find the finest ideas
for your christmas wishlists... 
The shop window was one of the corners that caught my eye immediately!
Just loved the monochrome tones and used furnture (oh that Hay Can chair!) by creative duo Vivian and Jantine of April and May. This week the shop window is decorated by them and it will be changed and redecorated weekly by various bloggers/stylists.
The fonQ popup gift store will be open from 28 november to 24 december 2016
and can be find at Sarphatipark 116 Amsterdam
En inspiratie vond ik! Mijn aandacht werd bij binnenkomst meteen getrokken door de geweldige etalage in een mooie monocrome minimalistische stijl (oh die de Can stoel van Hay), ingericht door het creatieve duo Vivian en Jantine van April and May. Het leuke, naast alle inspiratie die je in de tijdelijke winkel opdoet, is dat de etalage wekelijks zal worden heringericht door verschillende bloggers/stylisten zodat echt alle verschillende inrichtingsstijlen aan bod komen.
Wil je de winkel ook bezoeken? De fonQ pop-up winkel (Sarphatipark 116, Amsterdam) zal geopend zijn van 28 november tot 24 december 2016.